Reading plan 2021

  Okay, as the title of this blog suggests, I read but not as fast as some bloggers and reviewers. With that being said it does not stop me from buying books ( over 600 of them.) This is over years not months, but now it is time to read what I have and clear the shelves, so this year i will not buy as many books and rms ( read my shelves).

  That means backlist books baby. Tons of them and trying to read 6 books a month compared to my 4 a month. All types of books from my extensive collection will be reviewed here mostly way backlist (2015 and before) but some more recent. So join me and enjoy the reviews and rantings of a person discovering the treasures on her bookshelves, and some duds I will assume. Maybe our taste in reading will clash and maybe it will click. looking for friends I can discuss books with more than anything.
